1·This year, he's won nine tournaments and compiled a match record of 64 wins against only three losses.
2·As part of Alignment and Harmonization Analysis, you have to determine how to standardize and transform record structures to a given format, and how to match record instances.
3·This view shows the match of the error record with corresponding information in the symptom database.
4·Match Remediation Analysis usually requires a tool that can perform complex record linkage.
5·However, its element belongs to a specific namespace; because of this, the record does not match the query's filtering criteria.
6·A minor difference between a comparator and a filter is that a comparator returns the entire record store in sorted order, whereas a filter returns only those records that match a specified criteria.
7·At this point, you have successfully run the CICS program GETCUST, but the input record did not match any customer.
8·One record of the inner table will match each qualifying record from the outer table (inner Input Cardinality value is 1).
9·But I suppose I've stopped worrying about my record because it does seem pretty unlikely that anyone will match it, at least in the foreseeable future.
10·Field and record boundaries just don't match the boundaries of an XML document.